Simplicial remeshers (mesh adaptation, isovalue discretization, lagrangian movement)
Todo List
File analys_3d.c
doxygen documentation.
File analys_s.c

doxygen documentation.

doxygen documentation.

File anisomovpt.c
Doxygen documentation
File anisomovpt_3d.c
Doxygen documentation
File anisomovpt_s.c
Doxygen documentation
File anisosiz_3d.c
doxygen documentation.
File anisosiz_s.c
doxygen documentation.
File bezier.c
doxygen documentation.
File bezier_s.c
doxygen documentation.
File boulep_3d.c
doxygen documentation.
File boulep_s.c
doxygen documentation.
File chkmsh_3d.c
doxygen documentation.
File chkmsh_s.c
doxygen documentation.
File colver_3d.c
doxygen documentation.
File colver_s.c
doxygen documentation.
File delaunay_3d.c
doxygen documentation.
File hash_s.c
doxygen documentation.
File inout.c
doxygen documentation.
File inout_3d.c
doxygen documentation.
File inout_s.c
doxygen documentation.
File intmet_3d.c
doxygen documentation.
File intmet_s.c
doxygen documentation.
File isosiz_s.c
doxygen documentation.
File libmmg3d.c
documentation doxygen
File libmmgs.c
documentation doxygen
File libmmgs_tools.c
Doxygen documentation
File mmg2d9.c

Doxygen documentation

Doxygen documentation

File mmg3d2.c

Doxygen documentation

Doxygen documentation

File mmg3d3.c
Doxygen documentation
Global MMG3D_movbdycurvept_ani (MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met, MMG3D_pPROctree PROctree, int64_t *listv, int ilistv, MMG5_int *lists, int ilists, int improve, const uint16_t edgTag)
Factorization of this function with the iso one.
Global MMG3D_movbdycurvept_iso (MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met, MMG3D_pPROctree PROctree, int64_t *listv, int ilistv, MMG5_int *lists, int ilists, int improve, const int16_t edgTag)
End of refactoring with aniso function:
  • test effects of interpolation of metric in iso mode (done only in aniso);
  • check what to do with geometric approx and local hausdorff: only tested in iso mode, normally the surface size map should be integrated to the sizemap but chckedg call still returns 0 in some of ci tests (maybe because metric is not used in lenedg computations).
Global MMG3D_movnormal_iso (MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol, MMG5_int k, int ib)
to factorize with movv_iso (and movv_ani)?
Global MMG3D_movv_iso (MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol, MMG5_int k, int ib)
to factorize with movnormal_iso (and movv_ani)?
Global MMG5_caltet33_ani (MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met, MMG5_pTetra pt)
test with the square of this measure
Global MMG5_caltet_ani (MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met, MMG5_pTetra pt)
test with the square of this measure
Class MMG5_Mesh
try to remove nc1;
Global MMG5_mmg3dBezierCP (MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_Tria *pt, MMG5_pBezier pb, int8_t ori)
merge with the MMG5_mmgsBezierCP function and remove the pointer toward this functions.
Global MMG5_mmgsBezierCP (MMG5_pMesh, MMG5_Tria *, MMG5_pBezier, int8_t ori)
merge with the MMG5_mmg3dBezierCP function and remove the pointer toward this functions.
Class MMG5_Point
What to do with n[3], try to remove s.
File movpt_3d.c
Doxygen documentation
File movpt_s.c
Doxygen documentation
File quality_s.c
Doxygen documentation
File split_3d.c
Doxygen documentation
File swapar_s.c
Doxygen documentation
File tools.c
doxygen documentation.
File tools_3d.c
Doxygen documentation
File velextls_3d.c
Doxygen documentation
File zaldy_2d.c
Doxygen documentation
File zaldy_3d.c
Doxygen documentation
File zaldy_s.c
Doxygen documentation