92#include "mmg/common/libmmgtypes.h"
93#include "mmg/mmg2d/mmg2d_export.h"
98#define MMG2D_LMAX 1024
369 MMG5_int ref,
double hmin,
double hmax,
double hausd);
396 MMG5_int rmin, MMG5_int rplus);
473 MMG5_int np,
int typSol);
502 MMG5_int nentities,
int *typSol);
527 MMG5_int ref,MMG5_int pos);
655 MMG5_int v2, MMG5_int ref, MMG5_int pos);
738 MMG5_int v2, MMG5_int v3, MMG5_int ref, MMG5_int pos);
1104 MMG5_int* nentities,
int* typSol);
1134 int* isCorner,
int* isRequired);
1162 int* isCorner,
int* isRequired,MMG5_int idx);
1193 int* areCorners,
int* areRequired);
1222 MMG5_int* v1, MMG5_int* v2, MMG5_int* ref
1282 MMG5_int* v3,MMG5_int* ref,
int* isRequired);
1340 int* isRidge,
int* isRequired);
1367 int *areRidges,
int *areRequired);
MMG5_pMesh MMG5_pSol * sol
MMG5_pMesh char * filename
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_vertices(MMG5_pMesh mesh, double *vertices, MMG5_int *refs)
Set the coordinates and references of all vertices in the mesh.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_scalarSols(MMG5_pSol met, double *s)
Get all elements of a scalar sol structure.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT void MMG2D_Free_triangles(MMG5_pMesh mesh)
Free the mesh elements (and the adjacency information).
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_multiMat(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol, MMG5_int ref, int split, MMG5_int rmin, MMG5_int rplus)
Set the reference mapping for the elements of ref ref in LS discretization mode.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_triangles(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int *tria, MMG5_int *refs)
Set the vertices and references of all triangles in a mesh.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT void MMG2D_Init_parameters(MMG5_pMesh mesh)
Initialize the input parameters (stored in the Info structure).
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_trisFromEdge(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int ked, MMG5_int ktri[2], int ied[2])
Find two triangles given the edge that they share.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT MMG5_int MMG2D_Get_adjaVertices(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int ip, MMG5_int lispoi[MMG2D_LMAX])
Return adjacent vertices of a triangle.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_scalarSol(MMG5_pSol met, double *s)
Get the scalar solution value s of next element of a solution.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_adjaTri(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int kel, MMG5_int listri[3])
Return adjacent elements of a triangle.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_solSize(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol, int typEntity, MMG5_int np, int typSol)
Set the size and type of a solution field.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Unset_corner(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int k)
Remove the "corner" attribute from a vertex.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_saveVect(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol, const char *filename, double lambda)
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_triangle(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int *v0, MMG5_int *v1, MMG5_int *v2, MMG5_int *ref, int *isRequired)
Get the vertices and reference of the next triangle in the mesh.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_loadSol(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol, const char *filename)
Load a metric field (or other solution) in medit's .sol format.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_loadMshMesh(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol, const char *filename)
Load a mesh and possibly a solution in .msh format from file.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_tensorSol(MMG5_pSol met, double m11, double m12, double m22, MMG5_int pos)
Set a single element of a tensor sol structure.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Unset_requiredEdge(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int k)
Remove the "required" attribute from edge k.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_solsAtVerticesSize(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol *sol, int nsols, MMG5_int nentities, int *typSol)
Initialize an array of solutions field defined at vertices.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_ithSols_inSolsAtVertices(MMG5_pSol sol, int i, double *s)
Set all elements of one out of multiple solution fields that are defined on vertices.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_quadrilaterals(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int *quadra, MMG5_int *refs, int *areRequired)
Get the vertices and references of all quadrangles of the mesh.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_saveMshMesh(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol, const char *filename)
Save a mesh and optionally one data field in MSH format, ascii or binary depending on the filename ex...
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_saveVtpMesh_and_allData(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol *sol, const char *filename)
Save a mesh and multiple data fields in VTP format.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_parsop(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met)
Read a file containing Local parameters (.mmg2d extension)
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_loadVtpMesh(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met, MMG5_pSol sol, const char *filename)
Load a mesh and possibly a solution in VTP (VTK) format from file.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_edges(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int *edges, MMG5_int *refs, int *areRidges, int *areRequired)
Get the vertices and references of all edges in a mesh.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_loadVtkMesh_and_allData(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol *sol, const char *filename)
Load a mesh and multiple solutions in VTK format from file.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_requiredEdge(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int k)
Give edge k the "required" attribute.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_tensorSols(MMG5_pSol met, double *sols)
Get all elements of a tensor sol structure.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_vectorSols(MMG5_pSol met, double *sols)
Get all elements of a vector sol structure.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Free_structures(const int starter,...)
Structure deallocations before return.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_ithSol_inSolsAtVertices(MMG5_pSol sol, int i, double *s, MMG5_int pos)
Set a single element of one out of multiple solution fields that are defined on vertices.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Unset_requiredVertex(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int k)
Remove the "required" attribute from a vertex.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Free_names(const int starter,...)
Structure deallocations before return.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_loadVtkMesh(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met, MMG5_pSol sol, const char *filename)
Load a mesh and possibly data in VTK format from file.
Input parameters for mmg library.
@ MMG2D_IPARAM_numsubdomain
@ MMG2D_IPARAM_numberOfLocalParam
@ MMG2D_IPARAM_numberOfLSBaseReferences
@ MMG2D_IPARAM_numberOfMat
@ MMG2D_DPARAM_angleDetection
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_scalarSols(MMG5_pSol met, double *s)
Set all values of a scalar sol structure.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Compute_eigenv(double m[3], double lambda[2], double vp[2][2])
Compute the real eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_saveVtpMesh(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol, const char *filename)
Save a mesh and optionally one data field in VTP format.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_saveMshMesh_and_allData(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol *sol, const char *filename)
Save a mesh and multiple data fields in MSH format, ascii or binary depending on the filename extensi...
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_usage(char *prog)
Print help for mmg2d options.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_vectorSol(MMG5_pSol met, double vx, double vy, MMG5_int pos)
Set a single vector value in a sol structure.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_loadVect(MMG5_pMesh, char *)
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT void MMG2D_Free_solutions(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol)
Free the solution.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_scalarSol(MMG5_pSol met, double s, MMG5_int pos)
Set a single value of a sol structure.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_requiredTriangle(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int k)
Give triangle k the "required" attribute.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_parallelEdge(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int k)
Give edge k the "parallel" attribute.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_edge(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int *e0, MMG5_int *e1, MMG5_int *ref, int *isRidge, int *isRequired)
Get the vertices and reference of the next edge in the mesh.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Chk_meshData(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met)
Check if the number of given entities match with mesh and sol size.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_inputMeshName(MMG5_pMesh mesh, const char *meshin)
Set the name of the input mesh.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_outputSolName(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol, const char *solout)
Set the name of the output solution file.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Unset_requiredTriangle(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int k)
Remove the "required" attribute from triangle k.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_numberOfNonBdyEdges(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int *nb_edges)
Get the number of non-boundary edges.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_ithSol_inSolsAtVertices(MMG5_pSol sol, int i, double *s, MMG5_int pos)
Get one out of several scalar solutions at a specific vertex.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_meshSize(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int *np, MMG5_int *nt, MMG5_int *nquad, MMG5_int *na)
Get the number of vertices, triangles and edges of the mesh.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_saveVtuMesh(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol, const char *filename)
Save a mesh and optionally one data field in VTU format.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT void MMG2D_Set_commonFunc(void)
Set common function pointers between mmgs and mmg2d to the matching mmg2d functions.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_requiredVertex(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int k)
Assign the "required" attribute to a vertex.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_inputParamName(MMG5_pMesh mesh, const char *fparamin)
Set the name of the input parameter file.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_triangles(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int *tria, MMG5_int *refs, int *areRequired)
Get the vertices and references of all triangles in the mesh.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_quadrilateral(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int v0, MMG5_int v1, MMG5_int v2, MMG5_int v3, MMG5_int ref, MMG5_int pos)
Set the vertices and reference of a single quadrangle in a mesh.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT double MMG2D_Get_triangleQuality(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met, MMG5_int k)
Get the quality measure of a single triangle in the mesh.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_vertices(MMG5_pMesh mesh, double *vertices, MMG5_int *refs, int *areCorners, int *areRequired)
Get the coordinates and references of all vertices in the mesh.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_defaultValues(MMG5_pMesh mesh)
Print the default parameters values.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_parsar(int argc, char *argv[], MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met, MMG5_pSol sol)
Store command line arguments.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_saveVtuMesh_and_allData(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol *sol, const char *filename)
Save a mesh and multiple data fields in VTU format.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_mmg2dls(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol, MMG5_pSol met)
Main "program" for the level-set discretization library.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_loadMesh(MMG5_pMesh mesh, const char *filename)
Load a mesh (in .mesh/.mesb format) from file.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT void MMG2D_Reset_verticestags(MMG5_pMesh mesh)
Reset the vertex tags.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_vertex(MMG5_pMesh mesh, double *c0, double *c1, MMG5_int *ref, int *isCorner, int *isRequired)
Get the coordinates and reference ref of the next vertex of a mesh.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_quadrilateral(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int *v0, MMG5_int *v1, MMG5_int *v2, MMG5_int *v3, MMG5_int *ref, int *isRequired)
Get the vertices and reference of the next quadrangle of the mesh.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_nonBdyEdge(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int *e0, MMG5_int *e1, MMG5_int *ref, MMG5_int idx)
Get vertices and reference of a non-boundary edge.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Free_all(const int starter,...)
Deallocations before return.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_edge(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int v0, MMG5_int v1, MMG5_int ref, MMG5_int pos)
Define a single edge.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_corner(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int k)
Assign the "corner" attribute to a vertex.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_lsBaseReference(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol, MMG5_int br)
Set level-set base reference.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int(* MMG2D_doSol)(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met)
Compute unit tensor according to the lengths of the edges passing through a vertex.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_mmg2dmesh(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol)
Main "program" for the mesh generation library.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_triFromEdge(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int ked, MMG5_int *ktri, int *ied)
Find a triangle given an adjacent triangle and an edge number.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_saveAllSols(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol *sol, const char *filename)
Save one or more solutions in a solution file in medit file format.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_saveTetgenMesh(MMG5_pMesh, const char *)
Save data in Tetgen's Triangle format.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Free_allSols(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol *sol)
Deallocate an array of solution fields.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_tensorSols(MMG5_pSol met, double *sols)
Set all elements of a tensor sol structure.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_constantSize(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met)
Compute a constant size map according to the hsiz, hmin and hmax parameters.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_ithSols_inSolsAtVertices(MMG5_pSol sol, int i, double *s)
Get one out of several scalar solutions at all vertices in the mesh.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_saveGenericMesh(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol, const char *filename)
Save mesh data in a file whose format depends on the filename extension.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_saveSol(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol, const char *filename)
Save metric field in medit solution file format.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_vectorSol(MMG5_pSol met, double *vx, double *vy)
Get the next element of a vector sol structure.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_solSize(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol, int *typEntity, MMG5_int *np, int *typSol)
Get the number of solutions, their dimension and their type.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_loadAllSols(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol *sol, const char *filename)
Load one or more solutions in a solution file in medit file format.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_triangle(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int v0, MMG5_int v1, MMG5_int v2, MMG5_int ref, MMG5_int pos)
Set the vertices and reference of a single triangle in a mesh.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_vertex(MMG5_pMesh mesh, double c0, double c1, MMG5_int ref, MMG5_int pos)
Set the coordinates and reference of a single vertex.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT MMG5_int MMG2D_Get_adjaVerticesFast(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int ip, MMG5_int start, MMG5_int lispoi[MMG2D_LMAX])
Return adjacent vertices of a triangle.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_loadMshMesh_and_allData(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol *sol, const char *filename)
Load a mesh and all data from a file in MSH format.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_saveMesh(MMG5_pMesh, const char *)
Save a mesh in .mesh/.meshb format.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_edges(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int *edges, MMG5_int *refs)
Set the vertices and references of all edges in a mesh.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_saveVtkMesh_and_allData(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol *sol, const char *filename)
Save a mesh and multiple data fields in VTK format.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_outputMeshName(MMG5_pMesh mesh, const char *meshout)
Set the name of the output mesh file.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_GetByIdx_vertex(MMG5_pMesh mesh, double *c0, double *c1, MMG5_int *ref, int *isCorner, int *isRequired, MMG5_int idx)
Get the coordinates and reference of a specific vertex in the mesh.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_mmg2dlib(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol)
Main "program" for the mesh adaptation library.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_localParameter(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol, int typ, MMG5_int ref, double hmin, double hmax, double hausd)
Set local parameters.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_scaleMesh(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met, MMG5_pSol ls)
Normalize the mesh and size information.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_inputSolName(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol, const char *solin)
Set the name of the input solution file.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT void MMG2D_Init_fileNames(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol)
Initialize file names to their default values.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_loadVtuMesh(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met, MMG5_pSol sol, const char *filename)
Load a mesh and possibly data in VTU (VTK) format from file.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_loadGenericMesh(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met, MMG5_pSol sol, const char *filename)
Read mesh data in a format determined by the filename extension.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_solsAtVerticesSize(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol *sol, int *nsols, MMG5_int *nentities, int *typSol)
Get the number of elements and dimension of a solution defined on vertices.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT void MMG2D_Free_edges(MMG5_pMesh mesh)
Free the mesh edges (and the associated xpoints).
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_saveVtkMesh(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol, const char *filename)
Save a mesh and optionally one solution in VTK format.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_dparameter(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol, int dparam, double val)
Set double parameter dparam to value val.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT void MMG2D_setfunc(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met)
Set function pointers for length, caltri... depending if case is iso or aniso.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_mmg2dmov(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met, MMG5_pSol disp)
Main "program" for the rigid-body movement library.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_vectorSols(MMG5_pSol met, double *sols)
Set all values in a vector sol structure.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_quadrilaterals(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int *quadra, MMG5_int *refs)
Set the vertices and references of all quadrangles in a mesh.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Get_tensorSol(MMG5_pSol met, double *m11, double *m12, double *m22)
Get the next element of a tensor sol structure.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_iparameter(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol, int iparam, MMG5_int val)
Set integer parameter iparam to value val.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Set_meshSize(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int np, MMG5_int nt, MMG5_int nquad, MMG5_int na)
Set the numbers of entities in the mesh.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_loadVtpMesh_and_allData(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol *sol, const char *filename)
Load a mesh and multiple solutions in VTP (VTK) format from file.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_Init_mesh(const int starter,...)
Initialize a mesh structure and optionally the associated solution and metric structures.
LIBMMG2D_EXPORT int MMG2D_loadVtuMesh_and_allData(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol *sol, const char *filename)
Load a mesh and multiple solutions in VTU (VTK) format from file.