37#include "mmg/common/mmgcmakedefines.h"
38#include "mmg/common/mmgversion.h"
57#define MMG5_LOWFAILURE 1
93#define MMG5_ARG_start 1
102#define MMG5_ARG_ppMesh 2
112#define MMG5_ARG_ppLs 3
122#define MMG5_ARG_ppMet 4
132#define MMG5_ARG_ppDisp 5
142#define MMG5_ARG_ppSols 6
151#define MMG5_ARG_pMesh 7
160#define MMG5_ARG_pMet 8
169#define MMG5_ARG_pDisp 9
179#define MMG5_ARG_end 10
187#define MMG5_NSOLS_MAX 100
195#define MMG5_FILENAME_LEN_MAX 255
203#define MMG5_MMAT_NoSplit 0
211#define MMG5_MMAT_Split 1
525 double dhd,hmin,hmax,hsiz,hgrad,hgradreq,hausd;
526 double min[3],max[3],
553 uint8_t
ani, optim, optimLES, noinsert, noswap, nomove, nosurf, nosizreq;
620 MMG5_int npi,nti,nai,nei,np,
Type of solutions.
MMG5_xPrism * MMG5_pxPrism
Type of supported file format.
MMG5_InvMat * MMG5_pInvMat
MMG5_xTetra * MMG5_pxTetra
Identifies the types of mesh entities.
MMG5_xPoint * MMG5_pxPoint
Structure to store edges of am MMG mesh.
Hash table to store geometric edges.
Identic as MMG5_HGeom but use MMG5_hedge to store edges instead of MMG5_hgeom (memory economy).
Structure to store input parameters of the job.
To store lookup table for references in the mesh (useful in LS mode)
To store user-defined references in the mesh (useful in LS mode)
Local parameters for a specific entity and reference.
Structure to store vertices of an MMG mesh.
Structure to store prsim of a MMG mesh.
Structure to store quadrangles of an MMG mesh.
Structure to store tetrahedra of an MMG mesh.
Structure to store triangles of a MMG mesh.
Used to hash edges (memory economy compared to MMG5_hgeom).
Cell of the hash table of geometric edges.
Structure to store surface vertices of an MMG mesh.
Structure to store the surface prism of a MMG mesh.
Structure to store additional information for the surface tetrahedra of an MMG mesh.