71 (
MMG5_pMesh *
mesh,MMG5_int* v0, MMG5_int* v1,MMG5_int* v2,MMG5_int *ref,
72 MMG5_int* idx,
83 (
char *prog,
int *strlen),
87 tmp = (
143 double *lmax, MMG5_int *eltab,
int *metRidTyp,
int *
145 int8_t
tmp = (int8_t)(*metRidTyp);
158 MMG5_int *eltab,int8_t *metRidTyp),
159 (
mesh,met,critmin,eltab,metRidTyp)) {
169 double *lmax, MMG5_int *eltab,int8_t *metRidTyp,
int *
170 (
retval)) {
242 (
double m[6],
double lambda[3],
double vp[3][3],
int *
MMG5_pMesh char int int * retval
strncpy(tmp, meshin, *strlen0)
MMG5_pMesh MMG5_pSol * sol
API headers and documentation for the mmg3d library, for volumetric meshes in 3D.
LIBMMG3D_EXPORT int MMG3D_parsop(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met)
Read a file containing Local parameters (.mmg3d extension)
LIBMMG3D_EXPORT int MMG3D_Set_constantSize(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met)
Compute a constant size map according to the hsiz, hmin and hmax parameters.
LIBMMG3D_EXPORT int MMG3D_searchlen(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met, double lmin, double lmax, MMG5_int *eltab, int8_t metRidTyp)
List edges that are too short or too long.
LIBMMG3D_EXPORT int MMG3D_Compute_eigenv(double m[6], double lambda[3], double vp[3][3])
Compute the real eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix.
LIBMMG3D_EXPORT void MMG3D_destockOptions(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_Info *info)
Recover the info structure stored in the mesh structure.
LIBMMG3D_EXPORT int(* MMG3D_doSol)(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met)
Compute isotropic size map according to the mean of the length of the edges passing through a vertex.
LIBMMG3D_EXPORT void MMG3D_searchqua(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met, double critmin, MMG5_int *eltab, int8_t metRidTyp)
List bad elements.
LIBMMG3D_EXPORT int MMG3D_Get_numberOfNonBdyTriangles(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int *nb_tria)
Get the number of non-boundary triangles.
LIBMMG3D_EXPORT void MMG3D_setfunc(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met)
Set function pointers for caltet, lenedg, lenedgCoor defsiz, gradsiz... depending if the metric that ...
LIBMMG3D_EXPORT void MMG3D_Free_solutions(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol sol)
Free the solution structure of a given mesh.
LIBMMG3D_EXPORT int MMG3D_Get_tetsFromTria(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int ktri, MMG5_int ktet[2], int iface[2])
Get two tetrahedra given a triangle and face indices.
LIBMMG3D_EXPORT int MMG3D_mmg3dcheck(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_pSol met, MMG5_pSol sol, double critmin, double lmin, double lmax, MMG5_int *eltab, int8_t metRidTyp)
Search invalid elements (in term of quality or edge length) in a mesh.
LIBMMG3D_EXPORT int MMG3D_Get_adjaTet(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int kel, MMG5_int listet[4])
Return adjacent elements of a tetrahedron.
LIBMMG3D_EXPORT int MMG3D_Get_tetFromTria(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int ktri, MMG5_int *ktet, int *iface)
Get a tetrahedron given one of its triangles and the index by which it refers to this triangle (DEPRE...
LIBMMG3D_EXPORT int MMG3D_stockOptions(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_Info *info)
Store the info structure in the mesh structure.
LIBMMG3D_EXPORT int MMG3D_defaultValues(MMG5_pMesh mesh)
Print the default parameters values.
LIBMMG3D_EXPORT int MMG3D_Get_nonBdyTriangle(MMG5_pMesh mesh, MMG5_int *v0, MMG5_int *v1, MMG5_int *v2, MMG5_int *ref, MMG5_int idx)
Get vertices and reference of a non-boundary triangle.
LIBMMG3D_EXPORT int MMG3D_usage(char *prog)
Print help for mmg3d options.
#define FORTRAN_NAME(nu, nl, pl, pc)
Adds function definitions.
#define MMG5_SAFE_FREE(ptr)
Structure to store input parameters of the job.