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C API functions definitions for MMG library. More...
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C API functions definitions for MMG library.
C API for MMG library.
Definition in file API_functions.c.
int MMG5_Compute_constantSize | ( | MMG5_pMesh | mesh, |
MMG5_pSol | met, | ||
double * | hsize | ||
) |
mesh | pointer to the mesh structure. |
met | pointer to the metric. |
hsiz | computed constant size to impose. |
Compute the constant size to impose according to hmin and hmax and store it in hsiz. Fill hmin and hamx if they are not setted by the user.
Definition at line 623 of file API_functions.c.
int MMG5_Free_allSols | ( | MMG5_pMesh | mesh, |
MMG5_pSol * | sol | ||
) |
mesh | pointer to the mesh structure. |
sol | pointer to an array of solution structure (that stores solution fields). |
Deallocation of an array of solution fields
Definition at line 491 of file API_functions.c.
void MMG5_Free_structures | ( | MMG5_pMesh | mesh, |
MMG5_pSol | sol | ||
) |
mesh | pointer to the mesh structure. |
sol | pointer to the sol structure. |
Structures unallocation before return (common structures between all codes).
Definition at line 513 of file API_functions.c.
char * MMG5_Get_basename | ( | char * | path | ) |
path | string containing a filename and its path |
Extract basename from a path (allocate a string to store it).
Definition at line 683 of file API_functions.c.
const char * MMG5_Get_entitiesName | ( | enum MMG5_entities | ent | ) |
ent | MMG5_entities enum |
Print the name associated to the ent value in the MMG5_entities enum.
Definition at line 693 of file API_functions.c.
char * MMG5_Get_filenameExt | ( | char * | filename | ) |
filename | string containing a filename |
Get the extension of the filename string. Do not consider '.o' as an extension.
Definition at line 912 of file API_functions.c.
int MMG5_Get_format | ( | char * | ptr, |
int | fmt | ||
) |
ptr | pointer to the file extension (dot included) |
fmt | default file format. |
Get the wanted file format from the mesh extension. If fmt is provided, it is used as default file format (ptr==NULL), otherwise, the default file format is the medit one.
Definition at line 816 of file API_functions.c.
const char * MMG5_Get_formatName | ( | enum MMG5_Format | fmt | ) |
fmt | file format. |
Print the name of the file format associated to fmt.
Definition at line 864 of file API_functions.c.
char * MMG5_Get_path | ( | char * | path | ) |
path | string containing a filename and its path |
Remove filename from a path and return the path in a newly allocated string.
Definition at line 939 of file API_functions.c.
const char * MMG5_Get_tagName | ( | uint16_t | tag | ) |
tag | input entity tag |
Print the name associated to the typ value in the MMG5_type enum.
Definition at line 737 of file API_functions.c.
const char * MMG5_Get_typeName | ( | enum MMG5_type | typ | ) |
typ | MMG5_type enum |
Print the name associated to the typ value in the MMG5_type enum.
Definition at line 716 of file API_functions.c.
void MMG5_Init_fileNames | ( | MMG5_pMesh | mesh, |
MMG5_pSol | sol | ||
) |
mesh | pointer to the mesh structure. |
sol | pointer to the sol structure. |
Initialize file names to their default values.
Definition at line 132 of file API_functions.c.
void MMG5_Init_parameters | ( | MMG5_pMesh | mesh | ) |
mesh | pointer to the mesh structure. |
Initialization of the input parameters.
MMG3D_IPARAM_lag is used by mmg3d only but need to be negative in the scaleMesh function
Definition at line 51 of file API_functions.c.
void MMG5_mmgFree_names | ( | MMG5_pMesh | mesh, |
MMG5_pSol | met | ||
) |
mesh | pointer to the mesh structure. |
met | pointer to the sol structure. |
File name deallocations before return.
Definition at line 562 of file API_functions.c.
char * MMG5_Remove_ext | ( | char * | path, |
char * | ext | ||
) |
path | path from which we want to remove the extension. |
Allocate a new string and copy path without extension in it.
Definition at line 974 of file API_functions.c.
void MMG5_Set_constantSize | ( | MMG5_pMesh | mesh, |
MMG5_pSol | met, | ||
double | hsiz | ||
) |
mesh | pointer to the mesh structure. |
met | pointer to the sol structure. |
hsiz | wanted edge size |
fill the metric field with the size hsiz
\Remark not for extern users.
Definition at line 446 of file API_functions.c.
inline |
mesh | pointer to the mesh structure. |
sethmin | 1 if hmin is already setted (>0.) |
sethmax | 1 if hmax is already setted (>0.) |
Set default values for hmin and hmax from the bounding box.
\Remark not for extern users.
Definition at line 586 of file API_functions.c.
int MMG5_Set_inputMeshName | ( | MMG5_pMesh | mesh, |
const char * | meshin | ||
) |
mesh | pointer to the mesh structure. |
meshin | input mesh name. |
Set the name of input mesh.
Definition at line 153 of file API_functions.c.
int MMG5_Set_inputParamName | ( | MMG5_pMesh | mesh, |
const char * | fparamin | ||
) |
mesh | pointer to the mesh structure. |
fparamin | name of the input solution file. |
Set the name of input parameter file.
Definition at line 245 of file API_functions.c.
int MMG5_Set_inputSolName | ( | MMG5_pMesh | mesh, |
MMG5_pSol | sol, | ||
const char * | solin | ||
) |
mesh | pointer to the mesh structure. |
sol | pointer to the sol structure. |
solin | name of the input solution file. |
Set the name of input solution file.
Definition at line 189 of file API_functions.c.
int MMG5_Set_outputMeshName | ( | MMG5_pMesh | mesh, |
const char * | meshout | ||
) |
mesh | pointer to the mesh structure. |
meshout | name of the output mesh file. |
Set the name of output mesh file.
Definition at line 273 of file API_functions.c.
int MMG5_Set_outputSolName | ( | MMG5_pMesh | mesh, |
MMG5_pSol | sol, | ||
const char * | solout | ||
) |
mesh | pointer to the mesh structure. |
sol | pointer to the sol structure. |
solout | name of the output solution file. |
Set the name of output solution file.
Definition at line 388 of file API_functions.c.